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Amethyst Healing Rough Crystal

Amethyst Healing Rough Crystal

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These beautiful Amethyst raw healing crystals come in a cotton drawstring pouch with matching information card.  Amethyst is crystalline quartz in colours ranging from pale lilac to deep reddish purple. 

Many cultures find spiritual overtones in amethysts.  Often viewed as a stone of peace, some believe amethyst's calming presence produces soothing dreams by bringing the dreamer more in tune with the Divine.  This clarity and peacefulness also extend to the waking mind.  Amethysts are said to help the mind flow freely in both mental and metaphysical dimensions. Many psychics keep this gem with their tarot cards or other oracular instruments.

The Ancient Egyptians worked amethysts into amulets as both a form of prayer and protection against harm. While later Egyptian artisans created elaborate and breathtaking pieces, early jewellery makers kept their designs more practical. At first, carnelian and beryl gems as well as amethysts were carved into the shapes of animals. Most likely, early magicians designed these devices as protective fetishes.  In later times, an organized priesthood produced these amulets.

Amethyst is one of the twelve gemstones that lined the walls of heaven in Revelations. In the Roman Catholic church, the pure colour of Amethyst is associated with the wine transfigured to Christ’s blood in the sacrament of Mass. Amethyst has been a signature gemstone for bishops and is often incorporated into many of their ceremonial rings.

Amethyst symbolism is a busy field.  Ruled by the planet Jupiter, it's the zodiacal gem for those born under the sign of Pisces.  Both traditional and modern birthstone lists include amethyst as the February birthstone.

The properties of Amethyst crystals are deeply connected to the third eye chakra, the centre of spirituality and intuition, and the crown chakra, the chakra that governs our connection to the universe.  The purple crystal meaning of Amethyst is associated with energy centres. This helps to explain why Amethyst crystal is such a powerful stone to balance, open, and activate the third eye and crown chakras.

When working with the Amethyst crystal healing properties to bring more peace, relaxation, and spiritual awareness into your life, you’ll begin to understand why Amethyst is one of the most popular and sought-after crystals around the world.  Some of the most well-known Amethyst uses are for spiritual practices, specifically deepening your connection to self and your ability to tap into your intuition. Besides facilitating your intuitive sense, the Amethyst metaphysical properties also help you work toward inner peace and allows you to rest and relax when you need to most – before bed, during a stressful situation, or before you begin meditation.

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